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                Established in 1996, the predecessor of Guangzhou Cenkon Biochemical Products Co., Ltd. was Cenkon Biochemical Products Factory. It is one of OEM enterprises which engaged in cosmetics the earliest in South China, and it is an international cosmetics OEM enterprises which integrates R&D, manufacturing, marketing and services. Cenkon Biochemical Industrial Park is located at the foot of Dafu Mountain, Panyu District, where it is only 30-minute drive to Guangzhou downtown and 10-minute drive to Guangzhou South Railway Station. The industrial park covers a land area of 20,200 ㎡, a plant area of 35,000 ㎡, a production workshop area of 13,000 ㎡ and a storage area of 15,000㎡, enjoying beautiful environment and good air quality.
                Guangzhou Cenkon Biochemical Products Co., Ltd.