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                Questions and answers for cosmetic OEM/ODM

                Q1: What are domestic special products? What are the domestic non-special products? 

                A: Special products refer to hair cultivation, hair dyeing, perming, depilatory, breasts beautifying, body building, deodorizing, freckle removing (including whitening) and sunscreen products. If domestic special cosmetics are produced, a hygiene license will need to be obtained (“special license” for short) which aims at making the enterprise’s cosmetics comply with quality and safety requirements. Cenkon provides the agency service for handling the special license. Domestic non-special products refer to all cosmetics except the above-mentioned products. They need to be filed. Cenkon provide the agency service for filing. 


                Q2: What special products does Cenkon have? 

                A: Cenkon is a comprehensive cosmetic enterprise which integrates scientific research, development, production and processing. Adhering to the natural efficacy formulas and fine production technology, Cenkon seizes the market trend and focuses on developing the products required by the market. Its special products include anti-acne series, moisturizing series, maternal and child series. Men oil series is developed for men’s skins, and the rose series is added with the natural ingredients. 


                Q3: What are the differences among low, medium and high grade products? Are their effects and quality proportional to the prices? 

                A: Low, medium and high grade products are determined by raw material and packing material used in formula. For high grade products, the imported and high-end formula raw material, special bottle or superior quality packing material is selected, and the proportion between raw material and packing material are somewhat different. The quality of low, medium and high grade products is stale. They are proportional to the effect. Their prices will be different as quality and order quantity vary. Please inquire us for details. 


                Q4: How about the skin allergy test for the product?

                A: The raw material suppliers selected by Cenkon are outstanding in the industry. Raw material is selected according to national laws, regulations and requirements. Before the products are sold in market, stability testing and cell toxicological experiment will be conducted so as to make products safe, stable and effective. Due to different the different skin physiologic structures of human beings, the perception and reception threshold for a skincare product are different. It is suggested that the product should be tested at the back of the ear or inside the arm before product use. 


                Q5: How is product agency inspected conducted? How about the expense and duration? 

                A: Agency inspection samples will be prepared by our company. The inspection fee will be subject to the charge of the third-party inspection organization certified by the government. According to the governmental regulations, the inspection fee of required inspection items of all non-special products goes between RMB 800-10,000/item. The inspection duration is 7-10 working days. The inspection fee for product irritation testing goes between RMB 1,500-3,000/item. For different types of products, the inspection items are different. The inspection duration is 20-25 working days. 


                Q6: How about the flow of providing cosmetic OEM samples? 

                A: The samples will be provided by customers. R&D engineers will analyze sample ingredients and efficacies within 7 days after receiving the samples. After the samples are prepared, they will be sent to the customer for trial use and confirmation. The similarity of replica products is above 90%. 


                Q7: What is usually the minimal order quantity of each packing material?

                A: Normally, the minimum order quantity for glass bottles is 2,000, the minimum order quantity for plastic bottles (excluding printing) is 2,000, the minimum order quantity for aluminum foil bags is 20,000, the minimum order quantity for white (transparent) hoses is 2,000, the minimum order quantity for colored hoses is 10,000, the minimum order quantity for paper boxes is 2,000, the minimum order quantity for kit boxes is 1,000, the minimum order quantity for essential oil wooden boxes is 500, the minimum order quantity for fiber containers is 1,000, and the lowest consumption for adhesive sticker is RMB 80 (for reference only). 


                Q8: How about delivery time?

                A: The delivery time is within 15 days after all materials are prepared well. The delivery time for semi-finished products is within 7 days. 


                Q9: How about payment flow? 

                A: Semi-finished product customers make full payment as a deposit. Goods are delivered after product processing according to your customers’ requirements. Before finished products are produced, partial payment is made as a deposit. As for the materials purchased for production, Party A will pay the remaining amount within 30 days after Party B delivers the order products. 


                Q10: How about precautions for delivery service and transport? 

                A: Cenkon provides free delivery services within Guangzhou City. If you have a designated logistics company, please let us know it in advance. Logistics fee will be paid upon arrival. During goods taking, please check whether there is any goods loss so as to ensure your rights and interests. As for damage and loss during transportation, we will try our best to assist our customers in communicating with relevant logistics transport companies so as to reduce customers’ losses. 


                Q11: How does the flow for trademark registration work? How about its fee? 

                A: According to the applicable national policies, a business license must be available when a trademark is registered. The fee for trademark registration is usually between RMB 2,000—2,500. The fees will be different for different companies. 
