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                The full name of OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer. It refers to outsourced processing. It also means that a factory conducts joint production for the products of another factory according to the requirements. 


                Overview of cosmetic OEM service

                As a senior cosmetic OEM service supplier, Cenkon possesses mature, systematic, professional and powerful resources, including the supply chain configuration of technical R&D, production operation, quality management, raw materials, packing material purchase, storage and logistics network under the control of GMPC system and providing customers with excellent OEM services.

                In the process of cooperation, Cenkon not only provides customers with specific products but also helps them realize brand value, improves brand market credibility and provides them with sustainable development competiveness through high-quality, high-specification and standardized services.

                Applicable targets: Mature brand owners, product development teams and those customers who are capable of product planning and design. 

                ● Customers can bring their own formulas, raw materials and packing materials for product processing and production. 

                ● Customers can bring their own formulas and standards for product processing and production.

                ● Customers can select Cenkon’s formulas for product processing and production. 


                Services provided by Cenkon in OEM cooperation mode

                1. Processing production service

                2. Material purchase agency service

                3. Storage and logistics transport service

                4. Product inspection service

                5. Law and regulation and product filing services


                Cosmetic OEM service flow
