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                Quality Control

                QUALITY CENTER

                Currently, Quality Center possesses over 30 professional quality controllers and sets up five laboratories for raw materials, packing materials, semi-finished products, microorganisms and finished products. It has over 60 pieces (sets) of instruments and equipments such as automatic potentiometric titrator, Karl-fischer moisture meter, automatic melting point apparatus, abbe refractometer, rotary viscosimeter, ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer and vertical pressure steam sterilizer. 

                Currently, Quality Center is positive in applying for national laboratory CNAS certification. It can issue multiple authoritative inspection reports which are recognized in cosmetic industry and by national laws and regulations. 


                International certification

                Quality is a basic condition for the survival of an enterprise. To ensure product quality, Cenkon has established a series of perfect and standardized quality control systems. It has passed ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification, ISO22716:2007 Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics (GMPC, American Standard) and other certifications, meeting the access requirements of international markets including European Union. 


                Quality system

                As a senior cosmetic OEM/ODM service supplier, Cenkon possesses mature, systematic, professional and powerful resources. According to the requirements of GMPC standard, it has established a comprehensive quality assurance system (including such links as product R&D, material purchase, material inspection, product production, product inspection, storage and transportation) to fully control product quality. 


                Quality spirit

                Cenkon has been adhering to the strategic goal of “continuous improvement” and the principle of quality first. In 2015, Cenkon imported the precision instruments (gaschromatograph and high performance liquid chromatography) with large sum of money so as to monitor risk materials and preservative in raw and auxiliary materials, get rid of illegal addition and ensure the product quality. 

                Visit QM CENTER
                Ultraviolet and visible
                High performance liquid chromatography
                Semi-finished product laboratory
                10,000-level microbiological laboratory