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                Cenkon News

                Awards for enterprise culture implementation in 2015-2016 were announced!


                      At 11:00 a.m., March 18, 2016, the awards for enterprise culture implementation in 2015-2016 were announced and presented in the conference room on the first floor of Cenkon Building. Mr. Zhu Hong (general manager of Cenkon) and management representative presented cash as an award to the two winners. The two winners were Wu Shunfeng (a dosing worker from Manufacturing Center) and Hu Chenghan (a security guard from HR Center).




                Award records

                      On February 15, 2016, Wu Shufeng found that the properties of raw materials were abnormal and label information had an error when preparing materials for production. Then, he reported it to the leader immediately. After being investigated and checked by relevant party, the incoming raw materials had an error. Wu Shunfeng found and handled the problems in time, which prevented a major quality accident and saved the loss of RMB 80,000 for the company.

                      At about 1 a.m., February 26, 2016, Hu Chenghan noticed that there was water leakage in the steel pillar in the corridor passageway of the office when going on patrol. After check, there was serious water leakage on the second floor of production building. When found, the impounded surface water was 5cm in depth. The workshop was in danger. After finding it, Hu Chenghan reported the emergency to the leader immediately. Then, he informed maintainer of providing emergent treatment. This prevented a serious accident from occurring.

                Causes for award winning

                      The two winners fully advocated and implemented the enterprise core value of “to respect every individual who provides and use products and services, be responsible to every product-related party, reflect respecting and being respected in daily work of every Cenkon staff”, advocated the master spirit, took safe production as a precondition, took improvement of company reputation as a goal and remained a serious, responsible, positive and progressive attitude in their posts. So, they were rewarded. It was hoped that all employees should take them as a learning example, get rid of misconduct, advocate key action, strengthen responsibility and risk awareness, respect and love work.
