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              1. <blockquote id='J5Wgau'><q id='J5Wgau'><noscript id='J5Wgau'></noscript><dt id='J5Wgau'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='J5Wgau'><i id='J5Wgau'></i>
                HR CENTER

                Cenkon has been implementing the concept of “making enterprises strong by talents”, putting talents in the first place, attaching importance to talent introduction and development and talent team cultivation, focusing on cultivating talents independently and constructing excellent talent teams to take the lead in enterprise development. 

                Cenkon’s human resources strategic planning is reflected and serves the overall development strategy, and it is an important part of the company’s strategy management. According to the company’s strategy and its core values, it has constructed a human resources system involving in talent introduction, talent assessment, talent motivation and talent development. 


                Talent strategy

                Match with enterprise strategy

                Match with enterprise culture 

                Match with high post performance 

                System construction

                Construct a strategic human resources system, lay a cornerstone of theory and system levels for human resources management and promote the enterprise to realize its strategic goal. 

                Leadership construction

                Management personnel selection and assessment system has been constructed. Cenkon requests leaders to set an example in the core values during thinking and implementation and cultivate their subordinates and make them enhance their core leadership. This has provided a fundamental tool for strengthening talent team construction and is of great significance to development of enterprise and leaders, team building and capacity improvement. 

                Core competency

                Adhere to Cenkon’s culture and core values, pass on organizational vision and performance orientation of strategic planning, practice enterprise’s core competency traits and generality, propose a necessary core capacity model for construction of employee team with high competency and value and form the core standard for talent introduction, talent assessment and talent cultivation. 

                Talent development plan

                Take capacity and performance as guidance, introduce “Sudoku” capacity performance evaluation model, establish a talent team and a talent development system for candidate selection, cultivation, assessment and management, specify selection and assessment standards, specify management flow, standardize the selection of succession candidates, take post exchange, secondment practice and project practice as the major cultivation means and enhance capacity and quality through multiple means. 

                 Employees’ career development channel

                Construct employees’ career development channel and official rank system, formulate management method and ranking method, concern about employees’ career development, make personal ideals a reality, meet the demands of organization and employees and realize the common development goal of individuals and organization. 

                Recruitment system 

                Formulate a whole set of recruitment management system, standardize recruitment flow and system, enhance professional level, form Interviewer Management, Written Examination Test Library, Interview Test Library and Assessment Tools and Methods, develop a talent recognition system involving in online quality assessment system, structured interview, FPA character test and leaderless group. 

                Trainee management system 

                Trainee recruitment is an important means for talent cultivation strategy in the company and a necessary guarantee for construction of reserve talents. Trainee recruitment plan is formulated according to the company’s overall cultivation strategy. Remuneration standard is designed and training plan is formulated according to the company’s overall talent strategy and social value. Tutor and work shift plans are set clearly. After the trainees are employed for one year, the company will assess and determine their posts. 

                Talent assessment system 

                Basing on Sudoku theory, work performance and talent capacity are the main assessment content. Talents (including core talents, competent talents and talents to be enhanced) are classified according to performance and capacity assessment results. According to the assessment results, different motivation means will be adopted for different talents so as to realize effective operation of the company’s human resources and the common development of employees and the company. 

                Training course system

                Based on position system, career access design and competency model, Cenkon provides employees with development and learning opportunities. It provides such trainings as induction training, job skills training, capacity enhancement and other training courses. Realize an organic combination between organization learning and individual learning, fully enhance employees’ knowledge, skills, quality and capacities, promote organization performance improvement and achieve employees’ career development. 

                Welfare system 

                Perfect enterprise recreation welfare has been established, includes sound social security system, livelihood welfare, vacation benefits and bonus, supporting employees and their family members to obtain good life and happiness.

                Career channel 

                Find your occupation positioning and occupational development goal in the process of enterprise development and effectively combine personnel career development into enterprise development. A career development channel has been established in Cenkon according to the core concept of career management, the enterprise characteristics, the talent demands required by enterprise development and the principle of common development between enterprise and employees. Cenkon advocates and guides employees to develop towards management or professional technology, let employees give full play to their personal values and obtain a success in career development. 
