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                Cenkon Overview


                Leader of cosmetic OEM enterprises in South China

                Established in 1996, the predecessor of Guangzhou Cenkon Biochemical Products Co., Ltd. was Cenkon Biochemical Products Factory. It is one of OEM enterprises which engaged in cosmetics the earliest in South China, and it is an international cosmetics OEM enterprises which integrates R&D, manufacturing, marketing and services. 


                International cosmetic production base

                Cenkon industrial Park is located at the foot of Dafu Mountain, Panyu District, where it is only 30-minute drive to Guangzhou downtown and 10-minute drive to Guangzhou South Railway Station. The industrial park covers a land area of 20,200m2, a plant area of 35,000m2, a production workshop area of 13,000m2and a storage area of 15,000m2, enjoying beautiful environment and good air quality.

                Production base is designed and constructed according to the requirements of GMPC. It passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification in 2002, ISO9001:2008, ISO22716 and GMPC (US) management system certification in 2011.


                Professional R&D team

                Currently, Cenkon R&D Center possesses over 30 professional R&D technicians and forms an elite team consisting of senior engineers, masters and returning brains. Their professions involve in fine chemical engineering, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmacy and other disciplines. It has set up market development, formula development, packing material development, product conversion, Chinese herbal medicine extraction, testing and evaluation departments. It covers formula development, packing material development, technical support, testing and evaluation groups.


                Independent brands

                BEDOOK—“Everything we do is for anti-acne”. Established in 2002, BEDOOK has been specialized in anti-acne cosmeceuticals. Adhering to the professional R&D concept, we invite international senior experts to engage in product design R&D. Our brand series products are being sold well. In 2005, BEDOOK entered the market of colleges and universities. In 2007, it entered e-business. From 2008 to 2010, it come out in front  in the cosmeceuticals brand in e-commerce for three consecutive years. In 2012, its annual sales volume was up to RMB 400 million. On August 28, 2014, it settled in over 1,600 Watsons stores and occupied the leading position in anti-acne market. 

                JESS — “It specializes in rose skincare products”. Its brand series include essential oil, facial mask, cream, perfume, lotion, toner and other kinds of rose skincare products. Its sales channels are based on online e-commerce and WeChat business platform.


                All-round service system 

                As a senior cosmetic OEM service supplier, Cenkon possesses mature, systematic, professional and powerful resources, including the supply chain configuration of technical R&D, production operation, quality management, raw materials, packing material purchase, storage and logistics network under the control of GMPC system and providing customers with excellent OEM services. 

                In the process of cooperation, Cenkon not only provides customers with specific products but also helps them realize brand value, improves brand market credibility and provides them with sustainable development competitiveness through high-quality, high-specification and standardized services.

                Based on OEM system, Cenkon has integrated marketing, visual design and other professional consulting groups and constructed its cosmetic ODM undertaking service system.
